Create January 2015 Course 12/15/14 Sales page AFTER Sale


From the Studio of Morna McEver Golletz Maryland, USA

Hello Creative Arts Entrepreneurs: For several years I have been working one-on-one with creative arts entrepreneurs to help them turn their passions into profitable businesses. Many come to me because they are not seeing the success they want and are becoming frustrated. Often, they are ready to throw in the towel and give up, but they know they will regret it if they do. The thing is, not everyone can afford to work with me one-on-one. I have long wanted to provide an option for those who  feel they need coaching, but do not have the budget for my more exclusive programs. Last winter I did, and it was very well received. Now I am sharing it again this fall. It is based on my popular CREATE! system, which I use both with my one-on-one clients and at my annual Creative Arts Business Summit. This is the program that takes my individual clients from frustrated to fabulous, and you can be a part of it for a fraction of what those clients usually pay.

Why Would I do this

I have been where you are! For years I worked in various creative arts entrepreneurial businesses and struggled to make them work. Either I worked too hard, or I earned too little – or both! I felt like I was a slave to my business and that I just could not get out from under it – or worse, I had no money coming in and it was clear that I was “working” a hobby. By investing in myself and my business, and by finding the right mentors, everything shifted. I moved from exhausted and ready to give up to being in love with my business again. And it was not that hard – once I received the right guidance.

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We have now hosted the Creative Arts Business Summit three years in a row and have been overjoyed by the amazing feedback we have received. We anticipated these would be wonderful events and beneficial to those who attended, but we were truly overwhelmed by the sharing of the attendees and the benefits they experienced. Hosting them has been truly one of the highlights of my business life.

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I’m the founder and CEO of the International Association of Creative Arts Professionals I have been helping women – and some cool men – craft successful businesses from their passions in the creative arts for more than two decades. For several years I was asked about an annual membership event, a place where members and other creative entrepreneurs could gather, learn how to boost their businesses’ profits and connect with like-minded creative people. We have now held three annual events and registrations and rolling in for the fourth – mostly because attendees are asking to register NOW for next year so they can commit and get the dates on their calendars!

The Basics

Finally! A Business Guide for Creative Artists Like You Who Want to Turn Your Creative Passion into Profit.

Have you thought about turning your passion at creative arts into your business and didn’t know where to start? I have the answer.

The Creative Passion to Profit Program grew out of two trainings I developed: first, the successful class that I have taught to hundreds of quilters and fiber artists over the last eight years at major quilt shows around the country, and second, our annual Creative Arts Business Summit.

Here is what you get

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Module One: Build Your Foundation to Set Yourself Up for Success

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  • Learn why you need to become the CEO of your business and how to do it. Your mindset is critical to success and it is really what leads to success.
  • Assess what your talents and skills are and how to link them back to your vision and your need for a support system to achieve your dreams.
  • Look at a variety of options for creative entrepreneurs and how you can craft the career that’s right for you.


Bonus checklist so you do not skip any of the legal steps


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Module Two: Clarity

Yogi Berra, “You’ve got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going,
because you might not get there.”

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  • Identify your ideal customer. Unless you know who you are trying to reach and where they hang out, you will flounder.
  • Get clear on what you have to offer and what your brand is. What makes you unique and how to stand out from your competition.
  • Why branding is more than the colors on your website.
  • Identify where you are now and where you want to go. You need a GPS for your business just like you do for your car.


Bonus Business Plan worksheet

[testimonial3 author=”Lisa White Reber, ” + pic=””]“Today marks one week from my first day at the Creative business summit 2013. My husband commented “I’ve never seen your work so hard!” He doesn’t know that I’m working smarter, too! Now I have to improve how I work systematically – the days since I got home have been spent somewhat scattershot, as I move from one ‘bright shiny object’ to the next. I’ve started Tweeting; uploaded a video to YouTube and opened my Etsy shop with eight hand-dyed, textured shibori scarves. I’ve downloaded the newest shopping cart software and started adding inventory items to my website, and I’ve got hubby set up with a free lecture and a Craftsy class on photographing my products. I’m going to be keeping him busy too! Now I have to block out time to get back to my newsletter and blog, and then, following Morna’s advice, set up scheduled posts putting that content out there through social media. Then I’ll be back to the dyepots!”[/testimonial3]
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Module Three: Build a Relationship

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  • Learn how to automate your list building and connect with people who want to connect with you.
  • The key ingredient on your website to attract the right person to your community.
  • Create an Free Irresistible Offer that creates trust and builds that list.

[testimonial3 author=”Mary Jane Kermmoade” + pic=””]“I didn’t think I could afford to come again next year; but after today, I know I can’t afford not to come.” [/testimonial3]
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Module Four: Establish a Marketing Plan

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  • Understand the 4 P’s of Marketing: Product, Pricing, Placement, Promotion
  • Use my Marketing Pie to set yourself up for marketing success


Bonus: CD on Creating a Marketing Strategy and checklists


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Module Five: Get Social

It is almost impossible to keep up with social media.
Every time you think you’ve got it right, it changes.

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  • Learn what forms of social media will work best for you.
  • Tips to manage social media so you aren’t overwhelmed.

[testimonial3 author=”Debbie Wendt, ” + pic=””]“When Morna first put the Creative Arts Business Summit together, I wanted to attend because I wanted to catch some of Morna’s infectious energy. Before the Summit, I wasn’t quite sure which direction I wanted to go with my business. The sessions at the Summit helped to clarify for me as a business-woman where I am and how I want to move forward. The event also helped me to realize how much I am a part of an incredibly talented and giving community of professional women who are willing to share and help each other with what we are doing in quilting.”[/testimonial3]
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Module Six: Goal Setting + Taking Action = Achieving Results

“Action is the foundational key to all success.” Pablo Picasso

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  • Learn how to craft goals that really work and keep yourself on track.
  • Set yourself up for success with our planning and action tool.

[testimonial3 author=”Carolyn Goins, ” + pic=””]“Before coming to the Creative Arts Business Summit, I was at a crossroads in my business. I debated whether I would get anything out of the event. I knew the “WHY” of my business but I was beginning to fear that the “WHY” was only in my mind. Throughout the three days, listening to Morna’s value-filled sessions, learning the techniques and strategies she taught us, and masterminding with the other attendees, my energy for my business returned to me.  I left with the renewed belief that what I provide is of value and the inner knowledge that I really do want to continue my work. At the end of the second day, the pieces of information that had been swirling around in my brain began to come together. I feel now I have a real plan of action to take with me as I return home and move forward in my business. Despite a dismal year last year I believe that my experiences over these three days have given me what I need to revitalize and revamp what I’m doing this year and anticipate success. This was far more productive and encouraging than I ever expected! I’ll be back next year!”[/testimonial3]
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Module Seven: Tracking Your Financials

This is the area that most people neglect, and no one cares about your finances
as much as you. 

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  • Learn how to create and use: a cash flow statement, a profit and loss statement, a balance sheet and a breakeven analysis.
  • Learn what you need to track and how to evaluate the numbers.


Bonus: PDF version of Bookkeeping: A Practical System By Jeannie Spears. (Perfect if you are new to the whole idea of bookkeeping and keep your records in a shoebox!)

[testimonial3 author=”Karen Hingson & Quilt Elegance” + pic=””]“I was a charter member of IAPQ and with each publication, I love what I read and learn. When Morna announced the Creative Arts Business Summit, I felt that is was a great next step for me. I brought my assistant with me to the Summit and we feel we’ve had double the learning and double the fun! Thank you, Morna!”[/testimonial3]
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Module Eight: Evaluate and Expand Your Business

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  • Learn why systems, teams and technology are the key to your business growth and how to use them.
  • Learn how to develop a network to build your business through joint ventures and partnerships.
  • Become known as the expert in your business by “getting out there.”



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Bonus Module Nine: Copyright, Trademarks and Patents

What is the difference and how do you protect your intellectual property?


 I know you are looking at this and saying, “Wow! Morna, there’s a lot of content here and I know it will get my business moving in the right direction. How does it work?”

Good question and here’s my answer:

It is easy to provide a program and let you just move along at your own pace. Sure, that will get you where you want to go, but why would you want to wait? The reason my private clients get results is they have accountability. So that is a big part of what I put into this program.

  1. Full access to our Private Creative Passion to Profit Members Area. Over TEN WEEKS, you will meet with me for training – 60-75 minutes, where I will teach you the powerful strategies you need to craft your own business success.
  2. Three 90-minute “I need your help” group coaching calls with me. During the program I have scheduled THREE LIVE CALLS where you can get your questions answered as you are working through the program. This will cut your learning curve tremendously and boost your confidence.
  3. Full access to your fellow creative passion to profit members through our exclusive online Facebook forum. You can get extra accountability, collaboration and networking. This connection will make a tremendous difference as you build your business.
  4. Each module comes with its own Business Builder Resource Tool Kit.


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Quick Action Bonuses if you sign up TODAY, January 1, 2015.

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  • An extra $200 off the Creative Passion to Profit Building Blocks Program
  • A Virtual Planning Day with me in January.
  • 1/2-hour Strategy Session for the first 14 people who sign up.


My Extra Juicy Bonus:

A combination discount on this course AND your ticket to the Creative Arts Business Summit March 26-28, 2015 – Full price ticket is normally $997. Big shifts happen for creative entrepreneurs who attend the Creative Arts Business Summit, and I want that for you. You’ll have a head start because of the work you’ve already done and create even bigger breakthroughs than you expected. Plus the connections you’ll make here with other creative women and men is priceless. Do you have a business partner? You can bring him or her along for only $297.

“I love it, Morna, and cannot wait to get started. So, what is my investment to spend 10 weeks working this closely with you and crafting business success?” 

I know it is about results. You want to be sure that you get a return on your investment of $497 or $994, and you do not want it to take too long. But that is not enough, you want to let that return to multiply again. Well it can if you put 100% effort into the program. Can you imagine the results you will see?

[guarantee_box_1 title=”Our 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee”]And to make it even easier, I am giving you my personal guarantee. Do you know who John Burroughs is? He said, “Leap and the Net Will Appear.” If you take this leap, I am your net. I am committed to your success. If you:

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  • Complete four of our modules
  • Attend all the training classes
  • Do all the work
  • Attend the Q&A
  • AND DO NOT think that you are getting the high content, high value needed to take you to a point of success,[/black_tick_list]

Then you can get a full refund – NO questions asked.[/guarantee_box_1]

Our program starts January 12th, so do not delay!

Let me ask you something. If you know that this could make a difference in your business, and life, why are you putting it off? Take the leap today and join me and other creative entrepreneurs.

I am so excited to work with you and help you craft your own business success!

Morna Sig

P.S. When I put together this program, I thought back to the information and support I needed when I first started out in my business, though, let’s remember it was really a hobby. I really wish that I had what I have created for you. It would have saved me so much time, trouble, money. One thing I know for sure is that making a decision is the first step, so make the decision today to start working on your success.

Payment options

Register Today

for the Creative Passion to Profit Business Boot Camp


The 2015 Creative Arts Business Summit



 $579 per month for 3 months

(your credit card will be charged in 30 day intervals) 


Register Today

for JUST

The Creative Passion to Profit Business Boot Camp



 $247 per month for 3 months

(your credit card will be charged in 30 day intervals) 

[testimonial3 author=”Christine Van Buskirk and Susan Emory &” + pic=””]“We had a great time at the Creative Arts Business Summit. It brought a lot into focus for us in our business and has refreshed our outlook. We feel we are going to be able to head home and refocus our energies on the creative aspects of our business. We learned a lot and met a lot of great people to do some cross-promotions with. We’re really excited to be coming back next year!”[/testimonial3]

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